Shannon Burnham Insurance Advisor

Greetings! Hello there. Yes, that’s me in the photo tilting so far back you’re probably wondering if I fell over. I’ll save you the suspense. I didn’t.

My name is Shannon Burnham and I’ve been a life insurance agent for over 15 years. I know it’s hard to believe it by looking at my profile picture, but I assure you it’s true, but in all honesty the photo is a few years old. I have lived, worked and schooled in the London, Ontario area all my life. Some may think that’s a sheltered way to see the world, but I’m no homebody (except for 2020). My greatest love is travelling. So, while my home base is deeply rooted, I’ve branched out to experience many wonderful people, places and what can only be described asvibes.

I went to the University of Western Ontario and like many of my fellow insurance advisors graduated in a field that has very little relevance to my current career. I graduated,with distinction mind you, with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Now you are probably wondering how I’m going to make the connection from creating sculptures to recommending life insurance solutions and to be honest, I’m wondering that too. See, we are already on the same page. The best part is that I don’t have to, because not only am I a life insurance advisor, but I am also a partner in a Managing General Agency that is home to thousands of specialized advisors.

So, the real benefit of knowing me, is now you know a plethora of qualified advisors too that can offer a myriad of solutions: life insurance, critical illness insurance, disability insurance, investments and long-term care insurance and our focused on specific markets whether you’re a professional, business owner, family, senior or student. These advisors are passionate about what they do. So, if I’m not the best fit for you, I bet you I know someone who is.Feel free to contact me and let me help you find the advisor that suits your needs.


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