Shannon Burnham Insurance Advisor

Long Term Care Insurance


Long term care insurance can provide coverage if you become unable to care for yourself and need assistance to manage daily living activities.  It can cover stays in nursing homes, chronic care facilities or services of a care giver in their own home. 

Why Should I own Long-Term Care Insurance? 

  • More Canadians than ever before are living to the age of 100. 1

  • By 2036, 25% of Canadians will be over the age of 65. 2

  • Government health programs may only cover only a small amount for assistance and some programs cover nothing. 3

  • According to a study completed by the CHLIA, 74% of Canadians have no retirement plans that include covering the cost of long-term care. 4


References: 1-4 - 

As you can see there are many reasons to own Long-Term Care Insurance.  I would be happy to answer any additional questions.  Please schedule an appointment with me.


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